Key Beck
"It's time to AACT"
Much of my professional and personal work has centered around advocacy, equity and empathy for multi-marginalized citizens and alleviating barriers that force some citizens to focus on surviving while others only have to focus on thriving. I believe that accessibility and transparency should be at the forefront of all social, cultural and political decision-making by the city. We should lift every voice, so they have an equitable place
at the table.
I plan to represent multiple constituencies (Black, LGBTQ, neurodivergent, economically disadvantaged) and celebrate the value that they bring to our city. I know what it feels like to see things happening around you making you feel powerless, so I want be that person, that representative, for the unheard.
A(dvocacy) A(accessibility) C(ommunity) T(ranceparency)

Key Beck (they, them, theirs) is an racial equity consultant and LGBTQ Training Specialist . They have over 15+ years’ experience facilitating equity and cultural competency training specializing in gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity and the intersection of these identities through culture. They have facilitated trainings with many state and local agencies including the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, Cincinnati Bar Association, Ohio Diversity Council, Ohio Children’s Alliance and the Office of the Attorney General, and Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County and Urban Appalachian Council amongst other community groups. Theywere recently featured in the 2020 Pride Edition of Cincinnati Magazine and they were awarded LGBTQ+ Leadership Award by the Ohio Diversity Council.
What I Support
People working towards racial and gender equity
Communities, neighborhoods and organizations who are putting equity on the forefront of policy and programming
Union Issues: Responsible bidder, prevailing wages, apprenticeships, safety/OSHA, bilingual/immigrant labor rights, ombudsman, protections against wage theft, sexual & interpersonal standards, protect collective bargaining/right to strike
Affordable Housing: I think there are multiple ways to fund the Affordable Housing Trust Fund such as inclusionary zoning, earnings tax, leveraging private funds, voluntary contributions or Impact fees required for the zoning and permitting approval of market rate developments (more info here)
Development: Creating, sustaining and finishing projects in disinvested parts of the city such as South Cumminsville, Lower Price Hill, Bond Hill, Carthage, Roselawn, Hartwell, etc.
Legislation tightening ethics of council members and creating an accessible (and timely) database of political contributions, particularly from developers and partners with business currently in front of council
Participatory budgeting process for the city's budget
More BIPOC, women, transgender/nonbinary/GNC, LGBTQ and marginalized folx in city government